Global Evaluation Monitoring Framework Agreement (GEMFA)
- Lot 1 – Monitoring High Value Lot (>£600k) with mini-competition
- Lot 2 – Monitoring Low Value Lot (<£600k) with round robin
- Lot 3 – Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) High Value Lot (>£600k) with mini-competition
- Lot 4 – Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Low Value Lot (< £600k) with round robin
The monitoring lots (Lots 1 and 2) cover all independent and third-party monitoring assignments. The monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) lots (Lots 3 and 4) cover all evaluation assignments as well as assignments that include both monitoring and evaluation, including the procurement of MEL units which act as a learning partner throughout the lifespan of the programme. These MEL lots cover all types of evaluations, including impact evaluations, process evaluations, and value for money evaluations. They also cover any additional learning assignments such as portfolio evaluations, synthesis work, reviews, evaluability assessments, or results verification exercises.
We are pleased to announce that WEglobal was awarded Lot 2 and has a successful cooperation with The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO).
Global Development Delivery Framework (GDD) / Lot 10 – Education, Gender and Social Inclusion
The key objectives of the Framework Agreement are:
- To secure a pool of high- quality suppliers pre-qualified to work in FCDO thematic areas, to
- Deliver improved value for money through further competition
- Development and improved management of supplier base
- Access to niche/specialist skills
- Shortened timescales for call-down process due to pre-qualification of suppliers
- Improved Management Information for managing framework and supplier base e.g., tracking
- Bidding patterns and recurring issues to improve competition