What WE do in our projects
WEglobal Sustainability Management Plan into the project management.
There is no question that each profession must put the investment and work in to understand its impact on climate change and take immediate measures to eliminate harmful practices. Business as usual is not good enough, and as the infinite cost of climate change reaches irreversible highs, now is the time for bold collective action in assessing the impact of projects and project work.
For those reasons in our projects;
- WE adopt the 17 the Sustainable Development Goals
- WE use PMI Impact Analysis tools
- WE embed WEglobal Sustainability Management Plan into the project management processes.
- WE ask;
o Does our action support to heal the anti-climate change efforts?
o Does it enhance human well-being or diminish it?
o Does it restore bio-diversity or deplete it?
o Does it increase global warming or decrease it?
o Does it serve human needs or manufacture human wants?