WE are climate experts!

What does climate advocacy mean for WEglobal?

Advocating for climate change prevention means to publicly support (advocate) the sustainable use of resources and for the actions to address climate change in local communities, on governmental levels such as policy writing, support to governmental project management and management consultancy for a better world.

According to Project Managers, 40% of projects globally are being impacted by climate change.


The project titled “Enhancing Required Joint Efforts on Climate Action Project” which was co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey and beneficiary institution is the Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation. The Contracting Authority of the project is Central Finance and Contracts Unit.

* Within the scope of the project, in order to support the Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation in terms of better response to global climate issues and achieving international reliability, technical assistance was  provided on capacity building through an extensive training programme.


The project titled “Training on Organizational Capacity Building for Climate Change Adaptation”, which is financed by the European Union and the beneficiary institution of which is the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, was carried out by a consortium led by WEglobal.

*Within the scope of the project, the purpose was to increase the capacities of the organizations that are members of the Climate Change and Air Management Coordination Board, in adaptation to climate change.

Our Business Development and Project Management Teams Take Action on the Climate Crisis

Climate change is the defining crisis of our time, and its impacts are being recognized and felt in a myriad of ways in each part of the world.  Rising temperatures are fueling environmental degradation, natural disasters, weather extremes, food and water insecurity, economic disruption, conflict, and environmental refugees. Sea levels are rising, forests are burning, and businesses and projects are being affected.

! Extreme and more frequent weather events are the most straightforward way we feel climate change in our daily lives.

What WE do in our projects

WEglobal Sustainability Management Plan into the project management.

There is no question that each profession must put the investment and work in to understand its impact on climate change and take immediate measures to eliminate harmful practices.  Business as usual is not good enough, and as the infinite cost of climate change reaches irreversible highs, now is the time for bold collective action in assessing the impact of projects and project work.

For those reasons in our projects;

  • WE adopt the 17 the Sustainable Development Goals
  • WE use PMI Impact Analysis tools
  • WE embed WEglobal Sustainability Management Plan into the project management processes.
  • WE ask;

o   Does our action support to heal the anti-climate change efforts?

o   Does it enhance human well-being or diminish it?

o   Does it restore bio-diversity or deplete it?

o   Does it increase global warming or decrease it?

o   Does it serve human needs or manufacture human wants?

What WE do in our company

WEglobal HR Support Plan into people and culture management

Work is a set of activities involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a result. Most workers work to achieve financial compensation, positive societal or environmental impact, or an emotional sense of personal fulfillment or social realization. In our daily work, we support human actions to create greater impacts in our projects.

For those reasons in our team management;

  • Enhanced Health & Well-being Initiatives With a focus on mental health and stress reduction.
  • Remote Teams and Hybrid Meetings
  • Personal Growth and Development for a work life balance between the lines of personal and professional life
  • Emphasis on Impact as the command and conquer approach to project delivery with this purpose over profit mind.


Our approach has always been to go beyond the common understanding of sustainability and focus on value creation, the central focus of regeneration of the environment.

Our methods and tools advocate for addressing root causes of sustainability-related issues and focuses on value creation, whereas the common understanding is merely “do no harm” but not necessarily to “do good”.

In practice, WE have been advocating for regeneration since our founding.

Our teams posed the question “Have extreme weather events such as flash floods, wildfires, temperature change impacted your project work?” to Project Managers, 38% said yes.
The response was even higher among Program and Portfolio Managers, who noted that 42% are being impacted.
Among Executives, 28% said yes, while 72% were either unsure or said no.
When asked if the project profession is doing enough to combat climate change, 100% said no.
This is what WE are changing!