Etkiniz Forum: “What Are We Monitoring During the Pandemic?” was held!

Etkiniz (Monitoring human rights situation and advocating for compliance with international human rights framework project) Forum: ‘What Are We Monitoring During the Pandemic?’ was held online on June 17th-18th, 2021. “Human rights monitoring during the COVID-19 pandemic” was discussed at the online forum.

The Etkiniz Forum featured panels on which rights areas are being monitored in Turkey and the world during the pandemic, increasing and new forms of rights violations due to the effects of the pandemic, the pandemic’s effects on disadvantaged groups, social movements during COVID-19 and more. The forum also included sessions and workshops in which participants can share knowledge and experiences and form networks.

The non-governmental organizations answered the questions: “Which human rights violations have the pandemic deepened?” and “What new types of rights violations have the pandemic brought to the fore?” with the moderation of Eylem Certel.

During the “Live Drawing” hour, the answers of non-governmental organizations working in different fields of rights were instantly visualized by Görsel Gürsel. The participants, who express their ideas on human rights in Turkey in at least 45 minutes, created a report in poster form.

An exhibition space in which civil society organizations (CSOs) can share their human rights monitoring work was also among the activities that were held at the forum.

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