Coinciding with its launch, WEglobal today announces its intention to invest financial and human resources in the digital economy, bringing technologies to the heart of its projects and its work with governments, organisations, companies and people around the world.
Since the term ‘digital economy’ was first coined in 1995, its growth has been truly phenomenal and world-changing. Despite this, the development aid sector has struggled to find the best ways to harness the potential offered by this technological revolution.
WEglobal is looking to change this and is already achieving some success. It is an area in which we are investing to develop concrete examples that can be more generally applied; while also improving our knowledge and our people to include the digital economy in all our work, maximising impact in everything we do with our clients and partners.
With this context, WEglobal Chairperson, Levent Erkan attended the panel named “Artificial Intelligence for a Better World” as the keynote speaker at Gaziantep Regional Industrial Design and Hybrid Modelling Centre (GETHAM), Turkey on January 11. He said, “The role and significance of Artificial Intelligence are gradually increasing as we are taking advantage of its features in many sectors such as education, health, finance and production. Artificial Intelligence is making our lives easier, and its effects will increase incrementally in the future.”
We are exploring ways to scale up the good practices created in individual projects. For example, we may work with a group of farmers in one location on sustainable development; the challenge is to make the benefits of that work known and available to all the farmers in that country; and, eventually perhaps, to all farmers everywhere struggling with the same issues. And this is where communication and other technologies, adequately developed and skillfully applied, can play their role in improving lives all over the world.
We are excited by the enormous possibilities presented by the digital economy. Not only regarding maximising the benefits of our activities for the people we work with, but also for improving how we operate, offering us new efficiencies and innovative ways of working.